21/10/19 Sobremesa mit Rubén Gaztambide-Fernandez

Bei der ersten Sobremesa, mit Musaka und anderen Aufläufen, Faina, und diversen Süßigkeiten, war Rubén Gaztambide-Fernandez eingeladen, über seine Arbeit zu sprechen. Mit Rubén und Julie Garlen waren Kunstvermittler*innen, Dozierende an der Universität für Angewandte Kunst und der Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Mitglieder des Community College an der Kunsthalle Wien, Künstler*innen (viele von ihnen sind auch mehreres davon zugleich) am Tisch. Ein Fokus des Gesprächs war partizipative Aktionsforschung, und Rubén berichtete von Youth Solidarities Across Boundaries, dem langjährigen Youth Participatory Action Research-Projekt, das er am Youth Research Lab des Centre for Urban Schooling am Ontario Institute for Studies in Education leitet. Ausgehend von dem Projekt mit Latinx und indigenen Jugendlichen in Toronto sprachen wir über Methoden, einen gemeinsamen Forschungsraum in heterogenen Gruppen in den Machtverhältnissen des Schulkontextes herzustellen, pädagogische Ansprüche, und über den Umgang mit Repräsentation in der partizipativen Forschung. Ein weiterer Fokus war die Frage nach Kolonialität und den gegenwärtigen Auswirkungen des Kolonialismus in unterschiedlichen Kontexten - was sind hier in Wien, in Österreich die Dringlichkeiten der Dekolonisierung?

At the first Sobremesa, with Musaka and other caseroles, Faina and a diverse selection of sweets, Rubén Gaztambide-Fernandez had been inveted to talk about his work. Rubén and Julie Garlen were joined at the table by a group of art educators, teachers from the Univeristy of Applied Arts and the Art Academy Vienna, members of the community college of Kunsthalle Vienna as well as artists (many of the colleagues covering more than on of the named affiliations).
The conversation focused on participatory action research, and Rubén described the work of Youth Solidarities Across Boundaries, a long-term Youth Participatory Action Research-Projekt, which he conducts at the Youth Research Lab of the Centre for Urban Schooling at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Toronto. Starting from this project which involces LatinX and Indigenous Youth in Toronto as researchers, we talked about methods to create a shared space for inquiry within heterogeneous groups and within the institutional power-relations of schooling. We also talked about pedagogical claims and standards, about dealing with issues of representaion within particiatory research. Another focus of the conversation was the issue of coloniality and the current effects of colonialism in different contexts – what could be the urgencies of decolonialisation in Vienna, in Austria?
In:cite journal
"in:cite is an online space and community for gathering and spreading knowledge by, for, and created with young people. We are guided by critical race, decolonial, feminist, queer, disability justice, and intersectional approaches, and seek to dismantle systems of oppression such as white supremacy, capitalism, colonialism, heteropatriarchy, and ableism"

Gaztambide-Fernández, Rubén. (2012). Decolonization and the Pedagogy of Solidarity. Decolonization. 1.

Kraehe, A., Gaztambide-Fernández, R. & Carpenter, B. S. (Eds.). (2018). The Palgrave Handbook of Race and the Arts in Education. Palgrave